Meet our growing team!

Artwork by ©Lisa Ohman, Ph.D.

Aayushi Uberoi, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator

Originally from Dehradun, India, I came to the U.S. as a visiting summer student while pursuing my Bachelor’s in Bioengineering. I fell in love with skin biology while pursuing my Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (proud badger alert!) studying how papillomaviruses cause skin cancer. I am fascinated by how microbes interact with the skin, in both good and bad ways. Outside the lab, I enjoy diving into books and chatting about movies.

Favorite microbes:

Spring Goodson, B.S.

Research Assistant

I’m a local of South Saint Louis, Missouri. I completed my Bachelor of Science in Animal Science at Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri. I'm an Animal Scientist and Aquarist with a background in zoological/marine conservation, laboratory research and biopharma. Along with being an avid traveler and coffee enthusiast, I am passionate about environmental microbiology and understanding more about how we can use it in microbial research for both human and animal health.

Favorite microbes:

Magdalena Singleton

Visiting Undergraduate Researcher

I'm pursing an undergraduate degree in Biotechnology and Microbiology at Missouri State University and have been hooked on performing research ever since becoming involved in research pertaining to the interaction between nanoparticles and the actin cytoskeleton at Missouri State. Outside of research and school, you will probably find me running, lifting, or hanging out with friends.

Favorite microbes (and microscopic animals)

Emily Gantz

Undergraduate lab assistant

I’m originally from Saint Peters, Missouri and I’m currently a double major in forensic science and biology at Saint Louis University. I’ve always been interested in pursuing research, especially studies related to immunology and microbiology. Beyond studying for chemistry and napping, in my free time I love reading, baking, and spending time with friends!

Favorite microbes:

Kayla Seck, B.S.

MD Candidate

I have lived in St. Louis for five years now but am originally from Springfield, IL. I am an M.D. candidate at St. Louis University with a B.S. in neuroscience. My research background is in sociology, so I am excited to explore the intersectionality of many scientific disciplines! My hobbies include crafting, reading, and trying new restaurants around St. Louis with my friends!

Favorite microbes:

Sanjana Bolnedi

Undegraduate lab assistant

I am an incoming junior at Washington University in St. Louis. As a double major in Global Health and Environment and Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology, I'm passionate about improving health outcomes for people through research and volunteering. At WashU, I enjoy dancing and traveling as a part of WashU Raas, and I also love playing tennis, hiking, and skiing (I have skied down black diamond slopes in Colorado!).

Favorite microbes:

Jyothi Guruprasad, M.S.

Bioinformatics Research Analyst

I'm from India and I recently graduated with a master's degree in Bioinformatics from Georgia Institute of Technology. I'm passionate about all things bioinformatics and medicine. With a penchant for data exploration, I'm always curious to explore the vast intricacies of this domain. Beyond my professional pursuits, you can find me traveling, playing sports, and reading books! 

Jyothi will join us in June 2024!

Favorite microbes:

Megan Cline, B.A., B.S.

Technician II

I was born and raised in St. Louis County, and I recently graduated from The University of Alabama with a B.S. in Biology and a B.A. in Latin. I have experience studying neurobiology with Drosophila, but my true passion is immunology. In my free time, I love to try new foods, listen to music, and learn as much as I can about the ancient world. 

Megan will join us in June 2024!

Favorite microbes:

Rita Afagwu, M.S.

Sr. Research Technician

I am a Nigerian who loves to study about microbiome on any organism. I completed my Master's degree in Biological sciences at Missouri State University where my research focused on studying flower microbiome and bumblebee gut microbiome. I love to hike, visiting new restaurants, going on road trips, and staying at home!

Rita will join us in July 2024!

Favorite microbes:

Our support sytem!

Ellen Lockett, B.S.

Administrative Assistant

I graduated in 2019 from Harris-Stowe State University with a bachelors degree in biology. The University is just a few minutes away closer to SLU in midtown, Saint Louis native and I love cats!

Ellen ensures that the Uberoi lab can function and she loves all microbes used to make cheese!

Favorite microbes:

Artwork by ©Arwa Abbas, Ph.D.

Join the team!

We are rapidly recruiting at multiple levels with start dates in 2024.

Please feel free to reach out at to enquire about opportunities!


We are a new and upcoming lab! We encourage you to reach out to us if you are interested in joining. If you have any hesitation in contacting us, read this blog Aayushi wrote on how to overcome fear of emailing professors.